VEHICLE CHECK POINT CHALLENGE Troops interested in experiencing a realistic vehicle check point are encouraged to arrive at the EAG AO between 1700 and 1900 hours on Friday. Troops arriving within this timeframe are challenged to attempt to move a vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) through the check point undetected. Troops who successfully move an VBIED through the check point undetected will earn extra raffle tickets. Challenge guidelines are as follow:
ALL TROOPS arriving between 1700 and 1900 hours on Friday MUST HAVE GOGGLES ON.
vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED)
VBIEDs must NOT include any flammable or explosive materials.
VBIEDs must be at least the size of a 20 oz. soda bottle or larger.
VBIEDs must include some type of detonator.
VBIEDs may not be within the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
VBIEDs may not be within any baggage being transported by the vehicle.
The driver of a vehicle with a VBIED that is cleared to pass through the check point should pull through the check point no more than 10 feet, come to a stop and honk the horn one long blast. Check point personnel must at this point be shown where the VBIED is concealed.
Troops who successfully move a VBIED through the check point undetected will earn 5 extra raffle tickets.
The tickets will be issued to the driver of the vehicle to be distributed at his discretion.
2 extra raffle ticket will also be given to the creator of the VBIED judged to be the most realistic in appearance.
Failure to meet any of the challenge guidelines aforementioned will result in automatic disqualification from participation in the VCP Challenge.
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