Combat Simulation Operational Details |
Combat Simulation
COMBAT SIMULATION ROE The following Combat Simulation Rules of Engagement (ROE) are supplemental to the Airsoft ROE found here. Both sets of directives should be carefully read and understood prior to participation. The Combat Simulation ROE supersede any conflicting Airsoft ROE in the context of open play date operations. An asterisk ( * ) indicates this rule applies directly to BHC members. However, non-BHC troops should be aware of the rule as well as it may affect them indirectly.
Make weapons safe in staging area. Remove the magazine, discharge the remaining round, switch the weapon’s selector to “safe” and keep the weapon pointed in a safe direction at all times.
Goggles on when outside of staging area. Approved goggles must be worn at ALL TIMES when outside of the staging area.
Standard Force: Non-Battle Honor Corps troops are killed by any hit on their person or their equipment.
*Battle Honor Corps (BHC) Force: BHC troops have earned the privilege of using a health point system.
The BHC member starts an operation with 10 health points. Health points are deducted as hits are taken.
Headshot: automatic 10 health points deduction Shoot: no Move: no Communicate: no
Torso shot: 8 health points deduction Shoot: handgun in non-dominate hand only Move: slow crawl only Communicate: quietly only
All other hits: 4 health points deduction Shoot: with non-wounded hand/arm only Move: with non-wounded foot/leg only Communicate: yes
Every hit, within a burst of hits, must be counted. One burst of hits does not equal one hit.
Troops wearing replica ballistic vests modified to weigh 16 lbs. or more may ignore hits to the vest.
Troops wearing replica ballistic plates modified to weigh the documented weight of an actual ballistic plate of similar size may ignore the corresponding number of hits to the plate that the actual ballistic plate is rated for.
Troops wearing replica ballistic helmets may ignore one hit to the helmet. A second hit is considered fatal.
Every hit, within a burst of hits, must be counted. One burst of hits does not equal one hit.
Troops who take hits while wearing body armor should realistically simulate the effects of taking hits to body armor.
Each team including one or more BHC troops will have the option to designate one individual as the medic for each operation.
The medic will carry a medical kit containing wound dressings and apply them to wounded BHC troops.
Only the designated medic may carry the medical kit and administer medical attention.
Wounds that are dressed by the medic regain their health points but do not regain their use. Head wounds are not treatable.
Both treated and untreated chest wounded troops die from their wounds if they are not evacuated to the staging area before the end of the operation.
The weapon is considered destroyed if it is hit and may not be used for the duration of the operation.
Troops may “CQC kill” other troops with replica knives or with their bare hands.
CQC kill with replica knife: gently touch the knife to the victim’s head or neck region. One touch kills any victim instantly. *All other wounds caused by a replica knife count the same as hits from a BB.
CQC kill with bare hands: gently touch both hands to the victim’s head or neck region. One touch kills any victim instantly.
An explosion caused by an EAG approved improvised explosive device (IED) kills any troops within 10 feet of the detonation.
An explosion caused by an EAG approved simulated concussion grenade, occurring in open terrain, kills any troops within 10 feet of the detonation.
An explosion caused by an EAG approved simulated concussion grenade, occurring in closed quarters, kills any troops within the closed quarters.
Hits caused by an EAG approved simulated fragmentation grenade/device count the same as hits from a weapon.
To more realistically simulate "dying" on the battlefield, a soldier must not raise his arms and call out that he's been hit. Instead, he should fall dead and remain in that position for either the duration of the operation or at least until the fighting has moved away from him.
Dead men may not shoot, move or communicate in any way. Any who do might be mistaken for living adversaries and fired upon.
In operations where standard respawn is being used, the eliminated soldier should rise when the firefight has ended, hold his weapon above his head and report to his force's respawn point. Once the eliminated soldier has reported to his force's respawn point, he is considered resurrected and should return to the fight.
Occasionally, casevacs will be used during operations to respawn dead or wounded troops.
*Wounded troops whose wounds allow them to move to their force's respawn point on their own may do so, after which, they may respawn.
*Wounded troops whose wounds do not allow them to move to their force's respawn point on their own (chest wounds, both feet/legs wounded) must be carried to their force's respawn point, after which, they may respawn.
Dead troops must be carried to their force's respawn point. Dead troops must not assist their rescuer in any way. Once dead troops are carried to their force's respawn point, they may respawn.
Troops that are not comfortable with being moved should inform their squad leader. Squad leaders should not call for these individuals to be moved when they are wounded or killed.
In operations where standard respawn is not being employed, BHC members may take possession of the BH beads of enemy dead or wounded. They may retain these BH beads only if their assigned objectives have been accomplished within the operational timeframe.
BHC members can not take possession of BH beads of friendly dead or wounded.
Troops are not required to offer the option of surrender to their adversary. Correspondingly, troops who are offered the option of surrender by their adversary are not required to accept it.
Weapons and/or equipment may be taken from EPWs but may not be tampered with and must be returned upon release.
*Captured enemy troops are worth points when the capturing force's assigned objectives have also been accomplished. In the event of a capture, captors should deliver the EPW, unharmed, to the staging area at the end of the operation.
*BHC members can take possession of the BH beads of enemy captured. They may retain these BH beads only if their assigned objectives have been accomplished within the operational timeframe and the EPW is delivered, unharmed, to the staging area at the end of the operation.
*BHC members who lose their BH beads due to being captured will be reimbursed the amount lost by BHC Command.
Generally, each team will be permitted to deploy a sniper element onto the battlefield before the day’s operations begin.
The size of the sniper element will be based on turnout and/or the nature of the day’s operations.
Teams may not communicate with sniper elements until the team has entered the battlefield.
The sniper element may not leave the battlefield until the day’s operations have ended.
*If a BHC member of the sniper element is wounded, he remains wounded until the day’s operations have ended.
If a member of the sniper element is killed, he is no longer considered a member of the sniper element.
Once a team’s sniper element is completely eliminated, that team no longer has a sniper element for the remainder of the day’s operations.
Weapons firing a three shot average of 401 fps or higher with .25g will be considered sniper weapons.
CAUTION: Sniper weapons can be dangerous if fired at close range. Due to this danger, only troops that are safety conscious and disciplined will be permitted the privilege of using such a weapon. Those using sniper weapons must agree to adhere to the following strict engagement guidelines:
Three shot average of 401-450 fps with.25g: Targets that are farther than 75' may be engaged on full or semi auto. Targets that are within 75' may not be engaged.
Three shot average of 451-500 fps with.25g: Targets that are farther than 100' may be engaged only on semi auto. Targets that are within 100' may not be engaged.
Combat simulation sometimes involves interaction that, when portrayed realistically, may cause discomfort. Troops that are involved in physical confrontation during operations (i.e. taken prisoner/hostage) may use safe words to adjust or end the interaction.
Safe word “RED”
– All interaction must cease immediately. Safe word ”YELLOW” – Intensity of the interaction needs to decrease.
Safe word ”GREEN” – Interaction is acceptable.
It is important to understand that once a troop has used the safe word "RED" he has announced himself as compliant and he must remain compliant for the rest of the mission and/or operation.
Vehicles may be used in certain operations.
Only troops holding a valid driver’s license may operate vehicles used on the battlefield.
The vehicle may not travel any faster than 5 mph.
When riding in a vehicle, always keep hands and feet inside the vehicle until it comes to a complete stop.
The driver and passenger side windows must remain rolled up only high enough to protect the exterior mirrors (which should always be turned in).
All other windows must be rolled down completely at all times.
If an explosion occurs inside or under the vehicle, it is considered immobilized.
Generally, an intelligence packet will be issued to one of the teams before the day’s operations begin. Whichever team has the intelligence packet at the end of the day’s operations, will gain extra battle honors.
The intelligence packet must be on the person of one of the team members.
Troops who are not members of the BHC may carry the intelligence packet.
The intelligence packet may not leave the battlefield until the end of each operation.
The preceding rules are designed to provide safe and more realistic combat simulation. If at any point during the day’s operations you encounter a situation not covered by these rules, remember: “Realism First, Safety Always” and use the following criterion to assist in your decision how to react:
Keep in mind, these combat simulations are planned for those of us who desire a more intelligent, challenging and realistic level of participation and interaction than the standard game of “Airsoft” provides. This is a thinking man’s game.
Take into account that listening responsively, following directions, analyzing situations, problem solving and planning are key skills. Battles are won well before they are fought.
Remember, achieving the objectives through critical thinking, teamwork, mindful decision-making and determination is the ultimate goal, not merely body count. Your mind is your weapon; your rifle is just a tool.
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