SIT REP Previous Sit Reps available here.
04 JANUARY 16 -- Schedule Updated
20 JANUARY 15 -- EAG Indoor Field Open
A few pictures can be seen here.
20 JANUARY 15 -- Schedule Updated
12 JANUARY 14 -- Price Increase
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of EAG Combat Simulations. Unfortunately, due to the rising cost of doing business and in spite of our best efforts to avoid any pricing increases for the past 7 years, we are forced to raise our field fee by $5.00 and our EAG Package price by $10.00. All other prices will remain the same. These price increases are effective as of today, 12 January 2014.
On the more positive side, we have eliminated the Bring Your Own Biodegradable BBs fee. BBs used on the field still must be environmentally friendly and customers who rent weapons still may not BYOBBBs.
12 JANUARY 14 -- Congratulations to John Campbell, BHC Warrior of the Year 2013
John Campbell was awarded the Battle Honor Corps Warrior of the Year 2013 by The Battle Honor Corps Command, EAG Combat Simulations on 12 January, 2014 in recognition of outstanding attendance/achievement during combat operations resulting in the highest year end total battle honor average.
12 JANUARY 13 -- Schedule Updated
30 APRIL 13 -- EAG Updates Rental Arsenal
After almost eight years of hard use, our Beita-Spetsnaz AK rental fleet has finally been retired. Taking their place - ten (10) brand new G&G TR16 Carbine Light.
We'd like to thank all of our rental customers for their patience and support and invite them back to try the new weaponry!
30 APRIL 13 -- EAG Offers Used Rental Arsenal For Sale
We are now offering for sale ten (10) Tokyo Mauri Beita-Spetsnaz AK, two (2) new RWL Stag Daniel Defense M4 Socom (Limited Edition), and one (1) used Tokyo Marui G3 SG1. We're asking between $100-$225 per piece depending on condition. Used mini batteries are also available for $10 each and used high cap mags are available for $20 each. Please let us know if you're interested.
30 APRIL 13 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
WHO: Individuals/groups interested in participating in a Military Combat Simulation. Attendees must be at least 13 years of age.
WHAT: Outpost - Daybreak will be a Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day.
WHEN: Outpost - Daybreak will be presented three times over the course of the year:
WHERE: EAG Combat Simulations, located in Mill Hall/Lamar, Central PA
HOW MUCH: $20-$45
Click http://www.eaghq.com/OPDBSIMULATION.html to visit the Official Outpost - Daybreak Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
30 MARCH 13 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
PA/EAG presents OUTPOST 2013: Night Operations
WHO: Individuals/groups interested in participating in a Military Combat Simulation. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age.
WHAT: Outpost will be a 4 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one night.
WHEN: 18 May, 2013
WHERE: EAG Combat Simulations, located in Mill Hall/Lamar, Central PA
HOW MUCH: $20-$45
Click http://www.eaghq.com/OP13SIMULATION.html to visit the Official Outpost Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
14 JANUARY 13 -- Congratulations to Gabriel Pursel, BHC Warrior of the Year 2012
Gabriel Pursel was awarded the Battle Honor Corps Warrior of the Year 2012 by The Battle Honor Corps Command, EAG Combat Simulations on 13 January, 2013 in recognition of outstanding attendance/achievement during combat operations resulting in the highest year end total battle honor average.
03 JANUARY 13 -- Schedule Updated
09 JANUARY 12 -- Congratulations to Scott Long, BHC Warrior of the Year 2011
21 DECEMBER 11 -- Schedule Updated
11 --
EAG Combat Simulations
Announces 2012 Simulations
PA/EAG presents Operation: Bolt Cutter
WHO: Individuals/groups interested in
participating in a Military Combat Simulation. Attendees must be at least
13 years of age.
WHAT: Operation: Bolt Cutter will be a 6 hour
Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day.
WHEN: 28 January, 24 March, 19 May, 28 July, 22
September 2012
WHERE: EAG Combat Simulations, located in Mill
Hall/Lamar, Central PA
HOW MUCH: $20-$45
http://www.eaghq.com/OPBCSIMULATION.htm to visit the Official
Operation: Bolt Cutter Force Briefing Website, where you will find the
latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
PA/EAG presents OUTPOST: Night Operations
WHO: Individuals/groups interested in
participating in a Military Combat Simulation. Attendees must be at least
18 years of age.
WHAT: Outpost will be a 4 hour Military Combat
Simulation occurring over the course of one night.
WHEN: 23 June, 2012
WHERE: EAG Combat Simulations, located in Mill
Hall/Lamar, Central PA
HOW MUCH: $20-$45
http://www.eaghq.com/OP12SIMULATION.htm to visit the Official Outpost
Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate
information concerning the simulation.
PA/EAG presents presents Natural Selection
WHO: Individuals/groups who desire a more
intelligent, challenging and realistic level of participation and
interaction than the standard Airsoft event provides. Participants must
be positive, motivated and objective oriented. Participants must be at
least 13 years of age.
WHAT: Natural Selection 2012 will be an 8 hour
Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day
WHEN: 25 August, 2012
WHERE: EAG Combat Simulations, located in Mill
Hall/Lamar, Central PA
HOW MUCH: $45-$80
http://www.eaghq.com/NS12SIMULATION.htm to visit the Official Natural
Selection 2012 Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and
most accurate information concerning the simulation.
07 JUNE 11 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Natural Selection 2011
NATURAL SELECTION 2011 will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered 27 AUGUST 2011. Click on the banner to visit the Official Natural Selection 2011 Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
02 JANUARY 11 -- Congratulations to Brian Weidler, BHC Warrior of the Year 2010
EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next
EAG Combat
Simulations, located in Mill Hall/Lamar, Central PA Click on the banner to visit the Official Outpost Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
30 NOVEMBER 10 -- Schedule Updated
01 JUNE 10 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Natural Selection 2010
NATURAL SELECTION 2010 will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered 14 AUGUST 2010. Click on the banner to visit the Official Natural Selection 2010 Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
03 JANUARY 10 -- Congratulations to Caleb, BHC Warrior of the Year 2009
Caleb was awarded the Battle Honor Corps Warrior of the Year 2009 by The Battle Honor Corps Command, EAG Combat Simulations on January 3rd, 2010 in recognition of outstanding attendance/achievement during combat operations resulting in the highest year end total battle honor average.
EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next
EAG Combat
Simulations, located in Mill Hall/Lamar, Central PA Click on the banner to visit the Official JACK Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
27 OCTOBER 09 -- Schedule Updated
21 JULY 09 -- EAG Upgrades Goggle/Facemask Rentals
After many years of hard use, our JT Spectra Flex 7 Goggle/Facemask System rental fleet has finally been retired. Taking their place - ten (10) brand new JT Status Goggle/Facemask Systems. Status is the top-of-the-line JT goggle. Equipped with the QuickLock Lens System (QLS) for fast and easy lens change. The mask comes with a dual pane thermal lens, 270 degree of visibility and removable visor for play in all light and weather conditions. With a narrow streamlined jaw, the gel mask allows troops to sight better and be less of a target.
We'd like to thank all of our rental customers for their patience and support and invite them back to try the new equipment!
21 JULY 09 -- EAG Offers Used Rental Goggle/Facemask Systems For Sale
We are now offering for sale ten (10) JT Spectra Flex 7 Goggle/Facemask Systems formerly part of our rental fleet. We're asking $20 per system. Please let us know if you're interested.
08 JUNE 09 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Natural Selection 2009
NATURAL SELECTION 2009 will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered 15 AUGUST 2009. Click on the banner to visit the Official Natural Selection 2009 Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
10 JANUARY 09 --
EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next
EAG Combat
Simulations, located in Mill Hall/Lamar, Central PA Click on the banner to visit the Official THE SIEGE Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
08 JANUARY 09 -- Congratulations to Andrew Ball, BHC Warrior of the Year 2008
20 DECEMBER 08 -- Schedule Updated
12 DECEMBER 08 -- ROE Updated
Adjustments have been made to the Combat Simulations Rules of Engagement under the headings:
13 JULY 08 -- ROE Updated
An adjustment has been made to the Combat Simulations Rules of Engagement under the heading: IEDS & GRENADES.
08 --
WNYAL and EAG Combat Simulations
present INSURRECTION Click on the banner to visit the Official Insurrection Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
14 APRIL 08 -- Newly Affiliated Teams
EAG Combat Simulations warmly welcomes newly affiliated teams, 1st SOAR and MPAF, to our organization. 1st SOAR has signed on as a silver level affiliated team, MPAF as a gold level affiliated team. We are proud to have both among our ranks and look forward to operating with them. Good luck to both teams!
21 MARCH 08 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Natural Selection 2008
NATURAL SELECTION 2008 will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered 21 JUNE 2008. Click on the banner to visit the Official Natural Selection 2008 Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
07 JANUARY 08 -- Congratulations to Dan, BHC Warrior of the Year 2007
01 JANUARY 08 -- News and Updates
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of EAG Combat Simulations!
We are happy to announce that the regular price of 2200 rounds of ammunition has been dropped 20% to $20.00 - watch for even better deals throughout the season.
EAG Combat Simulations warmly welcomes newly affiliated Eagle Elite to our organization. Eagle Elite has signed on to be the first team to take part in our newly developed multi-tiered affiliation program. Comprised of veteran combat simulation enthusiasts, Eagle Elite has deep roots at EAG. We are proud to have them among our ranks and look forward to operating with them. Good Luck Eagle Elite!
EAG Combat Simulations' Battle Honor Corps Warrior of The Year 2007 has been determined and will be announced at the first open play date of the year - 06 JAN 08.
EAG's 2008 waiver and release of liability has been uploaded.
17 DECEMBER 07 -- ROE Updated
An adjustment has been made to the Combat Simulations Rules of Engagement under the heading: VEHICLES.
16 DECEMBER 07 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
Direct Action will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered four times over the course of the year. Click on the banner to visit the Official Direct Action Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
Adjustments have been made to the Combat Simulations Rules of Engagement.
22 NOVEMBER 07 -- November Update
The year's events complete, the fall rush over - traditionally, the end of November is when things start to slow down and we kind of take a break to prepare ourselves for the next year. Not this year! We have had so many requests for a winter event and such an increase in attendance in open play, we've decided to skip the break and keep the operational tempo in high gear. Here's some of things we've been working on:
Schedule Updated
Recruitment Drive
Events Planned
Nothing definitive to report here, but we are working on our 2008 event series. Here is what we expect the dates to be:
Event 1 (Winter Event): 16 FEB 08 Event 2: 24 MAY 08 NS08: 21 JUN 08 Event 3: 19 JUL 08 WNYAL: 23 AUG 08 - This event will be held at WNYAL's site in NY. Event 4: 27 SEPT 08 Free BHC Members Event: 25 OCT 08
Ammo Pricing Negotiations
Season Passes Announced
Season Pass (26 field fees): $130 - save $130! 1/2 Season Pass (13 field fees): $97 - save $33!
These passes can be used for open play and/or private rentals. Contact us for more details.
Affiliation Program Announced
21 OCTOBER 07 -- EAG October Customer Appreciation Day
Combat Simulations' October Customer Appreciation Day
We want to thank our outstanding customers by offering them 25% off ALL our combat associated fees, rentals and products. Have you been meaning to make it out to the field? Well, then this is the open play to attend! Earn an additional 25% off by pre-registering here. That's 50% off ALL our combat associated fees, products and services! Check out some of the savings:
Package regularly $15.00 - Pre-Registered price = $7.50 Field
Fee regularly $10.00 - Pre-Registered price = $5.00 Bring
Your Own Biodegradable BBs regularly $5.00 - Pre-Registered price = $2.50
Concussion Grenade Rental regularly $7.00 - Pre-Registered price = $3.50
Concussion Grenade Reload regularly $3.00 - Pre-Registered price = $1.50 200
rounds of ammunition regularly $5.00 - Pre-Registered price = $2.50 *2200
rounds of ammunition $25.00 - Pre-Registered price = $12.50 *Smoke Grenades (40K) $6.00 - Pre-Registered price = $3.00
*Limit 1 per customer
13 MAY 07 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
NATURAL SELECTION 2007 will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered 18 AUGUST 2007. Click on the banner to visit the Official Natural Selection 2007 Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
Due to the decision to allow all Non-ESOG troops to respawn during combat operations, adjustments have been made to the Combat Simulations Rules of Engagement under the heading; DYING & RESPAWN.
26 MARCH 07 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
ZERO HOUR will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered three times over the course of the year. Click on the banner to visit the Official Zero Hour Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
Due to the recent decision to allow all Non-ESOG troops to respawn during combat operations, BHC members may no longer take possession of the BH beads of enemy dead or wounded.
16 JANUARY 07 -- Congratulations to Brian Weidler, BHC Warrior of the Year 2006
01 JANUARY 07 -- News and Updates
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of EAG Combat Simulations. Unfortunately, due to the rising cost of doing business and in spite of our best efforts to avoid any pricing increases for the past 11 years, we are forced to raise our field fee by $5.00 and correspondingly our EAG Package price by $5.00. All other prices will remain the same. These price increases are effective as of today, 01 January 2007. On the more positive side, we have also decided to offer a customer loyalty program designed to reward our most faithful customers. We had originally planned to offer a graduated schedule where customers would earn a 1 percent discount for each time they attended. We decided against it when we realized that it really wouldn't provide much of a discount to the customer and also that it would require having change on hand - change is bad. Anyway, we decided to go with a simple program that provides a $10 discount for every 5 times the customer attends. We hope this program will motivate customers to come out more often and also help make it more affordable for them to do so.
EAG Combat Simulations' Battle Honor Corps Warrior of The Year 2006 has been determined and will be announced at the first open play date of the year - 07 JAN 07.
EAG's 2007 waiver and release of liability has been uploaded.
20 DECEMBER 06 10:00 -- Schedule Updated
Combat Simulation Rules of Engagement updated:
Troops who take hits while wearing body armor should realistically simulate the effects of taking hits to body armor.
17 SEPTEMBER 06 -- EAG Adds Concussion Grenade Simulators To Rental Arsenal
27 MARCH 06 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
NATURAL SELECTION 2006 will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered three times over the course of the year. Click on the banner to visit the Official Natural Selection 2006 Element Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
Combat Simulation Rules of Engagement updated:
It is important to understand that once a troop has used the safe word "RED" he has announced himself as compliant and he must remain compliant for the rest of the mission and/or operation.
10 JANUARY 05 15:17 -- Congratulations to Kyle, BHC Warrior of the Year 2005
Kyle was awarded the Battle Honor Corps Warrior of the Year 2005 by The Battle Honor Corps Command, EAG Combat Simulations on January 8th, 2006 in recognition of outstanding attendance/achievement during combat operations resulting in the highest year end total battle honor average.
Combat Simulation Rules of Engagement updated:
Both treated and untreated chest wounded troops die from their wounds if they are not evacuated to the staging area before the end of the operation.
BHC members can take possession of the BH beads of enemy dead or wounded. They may retain these BH beads only if their assigned objectives have been accomplished within the operational timeframe.
BHC members can not take possession of BH beads of friendly dead or wounded.
Dead BHC members lose half of their BH beads if they are not evacuated to the staging area before the end of the operation.
Captured enemy troops are worth points when the capturing force's assigned objectives have also been accomplished. In the event of a capture, captors should deliver the POW to the staging area at the end of the operation.
*BHC members can take possession of the BH beads of enemy captured. They may retain these BH beads only if their assigned objectives have been accomplished within the operational timeframe.
*BHC members who lose their BH beads due to being captured will be reimbursed the amount lost by BHC Command.
29 NOVEMBER 05 14:43 -- Schedule Updated
Combat Simulation Rules of Engagement updated: IEDS & GRENADES
An explosion caused by an EAG approved improvised explosive device (IED) kills any troops within 10 feet of the detonation.
An explosion caused by an EAG approved simulated concussion grenade, occurring in open terrain, kills any troops within 10 feet of the detonation.
An explosion caused by an EAG approved simulated concussion grenade, occurring in closed quarters, kills any troops within the closed quarters.
Hits caused by an EAG approved simulated fragmentation grenade/device kill any troops hit by fragmentation.
16 JUNE 05 07:40 -- COMBAT SIMULATION ROE Updated
Combat Simulation Rule of Engagement Body Armor rule added: Troops wearing replica ballistic plates modified to weigh at least the documented weight of an actual ballistic plate of similar size may ignore the corresponding number of hits to the plate that the actual ballistic plate is rated for.
16 JUNE 05 07:40 -- AIRSOFT ROE Updated
Airsoft Rule of Engagement Structures rule: "Participants who use any structures such as the sniper tower, compound buildings and in-ground fighting positions, do so at their own risk.." changed to: "Participants who use any structures such as the compound buildings and in-ground fighting positions, do so at their own risk."
Airsoft Rule of Engagement Structures rule: "No more than one soldier may occupy each of the three levels of the sniper tower at one time. Troops that do so will be warned. If this happens twice, those troops will be removed permanently from the simulation without refund." changed to: "No participants may occupy the sniper tower. Participants that do so will be removed permanently for the day without refund."
Airsoft Rule of Engagement Structures rule: "No participants may ascend or descend the sniper tower in any way other than the steps provided." changed to: "No participants may ascend or descend the compound buildings in any way other than the steps provided."
03 JUNE 05 00:00 -- October Presentation of Flashback Rescheduled
The third and final presentation of Flashback, formerly scheduled for 01 October 2005, has been rescheduled for two weeks later; 15 October 2005. We hope this adjustment doesn't cause any scheduling conflicts for troops who may have been planning to attend and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
25 APRIL 05 00:00 -- EAG Updates Rental Arsenal
After almost three years of hard use, our M4A1 rental fleet has finally been retired. Taking their place - ten (10) brand new Tokyo Mauri Beita-Spetsnaz AKs, featuring a newly designed Hi-Capacity magazine that is actually shorter than the standard AK magazine.
We'd like to thank all of our rental customers for their patience and support and invite them back to try the new weaponry!
25 APRIL 05 00:00 -- EAG Offers Used Rental Arsenal For Sale
We are now offering for sale ten (10) TM M4A1s and one (1) ICS M4A1 formerly part of our rental fleet. The TM M4s were recently outfitted with G&P metal receivers, new hop up units and new stock springs and pistons in May of last year. Since the upgraded metal bodies are worth $130 alone, we're asking between $175-$200 per piece depending on condition. Used mini batteries are also available for $10 each and used high cap mags are available for $20 each. Please let us know if you're interested.
11 MARCH 05 10:00 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
FLASHBACK will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered three times over the course of the year. Click on the banner to visit the Official Flashback Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
28 DECEMBER 04 15:00 -- Battle Honor Corps Details Updated
Some changes have been made regarding the administration of the Battle Honor Corps. Most notably:
"All accumulated battle honor beads must be brought to the field to be eligible to use the “Ultra-Realistic Health Point System” and to be eligible to gain or lose beads as a result of that day’s activities."
"Absenteeism from a year's worth of Battle Honor Corps “objective driven” exercises presented by EAG Combat Simulations is considered a resignation of membership. Exceptions may be made by Battle Honor Corps Command on a case by case basis."
08 DECEMBER 04 14:20 -- Schedule Updated
22 SEPTEMBER 04 09:45 -- Email Problems Discovered
Our e-mail has been down (unknown to us) for a few
days now - please resend any e-mails that you did not receive responses to.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
17 SEPTEMBER 04 13:20 -- Reservations, Airsoft ROE and Waiver Updated
RESERVATIONS: 12 through 17 year-olds can participate but must have an underage waiver, furnished by us, signed by parent or guardian. This form must be completed each visit even if accompanied by parent or guardian. Our waiver can be found here.
EYE PROTECTION Goggles/Facemasks with ear protection or balaclavas are required.
WEAPON VELOCITY Field velocity limit is 400 FPS with .25 gram BBs
BOUNDARY Participants may not shoot through the boundaries into other areas of play.
SURRENDER Participants must ask opponents within 20ft to surrender, but they are not required to respond. If they do respond that they surrender, it is the same as being eliminated.
05 SEPTEMBER 04 00:00 -- EAG Combat Simulations Third And Final Presentation Of Mayday A Success
We are pleased to
report the third and final presentation of Mayday a complete mission success. A
SUPPORT DURING THE OPERATION. Both the Army and the Militia performed above
and beyond expectations. Both teams' outstanding efforts to achieve the
objectives have truly proved that they have what it takes to get the job
done. Our congratulations to all of them on their excellence in all
05 AUGUST 04 08:05 -- Combat Simulation ROE Updated
Combat Simulation Rule of Engagement PYROTECHNIC KILLS rule:
"If an unintentional explosion occurs on the battlefield, troops within 10 feet of the detonation are considered killed."
updated to:
"An explosion caused by a booby trap kills any troops within 10 feet of the detonation.
An explosions caused by a simulated concussion grenade, occurring in open terrain, kills any troops within 10 feet of the detonation.
An explosions caused by a simulated concussion grenade, occurring in closed quarters, kills any troops within the closed quarters."
12 JULY 04 00:00 -- EAG Combat Simulations Second Presentation Of Mayday A Success
We are pleased to
report the second presentation of Mayday a complete mission success. A
SUPPORT DURING THE OPERATION. Both the Army and the Militia performed above
and beyond expectations. Both teams' outstanding efforts to achieve the
objectives have truly proved that they have what it takes to get the job
done. Our congratulations to all of them on their excellence in all
21 MAY 04 07:31 -- Intelligence Area Updated
The Intelligence area of the HQ has been updated to include imagery intelligence of the crash site located within the AO.
15 MAY 04 00:00 -- EAG Upgrades Rental Arsenal
03 MAY 04 00:00 -- Major Typo Discovered
EAG Combat Simulations July presentation of Mayday is to be held Saturday, 10 July rather than 11 July as the banner reads. If this causes any inconveniences please contact us.
03 MAY 04 00:00 -- EAG Combat Simulations First Presentation Of Mayday A Success
We are pleased to
report the first presentation of Mayday a complete mission success. A
SUPPORT DURING THE OPERATION. Both the Army and the Militia performed above
and beyond expectations. Both teams' outstanding efforts to achieve the
objectives have truly proved that they have what it takes to get the job
done. Our congratulations to all of them on their excellence in all
05 APRIL 04
09:26 -- EAG Credit for Academic Achievement Program Discontinued EAG's Credit for Academic Achievement Program, which provided field credit to students for A letter grades, has been discontinued due to abuse of the program. Regrettably, the program did not produce the intended result. Its unfortunate how the actions of a few can ruin things for everyone else.
25-02-04 12:10 -- EAG Combat Simulations Announces Next Simulation
MAYDAY will be an 8 hour Military Combat Simulation occurring over the course of one day, offered three times over the course of the year. Click on the banner to visit the Official Mayday Force Briefing Website, where you will find the latest and most accurate information concerning the simulation.
22-01-04 12:00 -- The EAG Combat Simulations Website is Now LIVE!!
[Situation Report] [About Us] [Arsenal] [Pricing] [Private Rentals / Open Play] [Schedule] [Reservations] [Map and Directions] [Waiver] [Links]
© 2016 EAG Combat Simulations. Contact us for more information on EAG Combat Simulations. |